My Shows of Summer Continued

Hey guys! I just need to make an update on some more shows you should def be watching this summer. I didn’t forget about these shows more that I’m surprised that they’re coming out this summer. TV show’s scheduling are all over the place, I can’t keep up. But here are a few more shows that I really wouldn’t wanna miss.



I was so shocked to see that Dexter’s return date was as early as June, seeing as we just had the last season start in September. It’s its final season and as sad as I am to see it go, I’m kinda glad. If I to hear or see Debra cry again, I’m gunna cry. Love you Dex, but things are getting a lil too cray for me. I am gunna miss you being all sexy, and dark, stabbing syringes into evil’s neck. I will also miss the dark passanger, Quinn’s decent into his own personal hell, Masuka’s dirty jokes, and Batista not being able to catch a break. Who knows the next time we will see lil Harrison, and Dexter being such a great father, a role he doesn’t have to fake. This is also the last time Dexter can go YOLO, and fuck the code. So, make sure you watch this last season. Maybe I’ll wait to watch it, drag it out. Oh, who am I kidding? I could never not watch my Dextie.


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This show is back, and I sooooo didn’t know! THIS MONTH! Like whoa, dude. Way to take my summer up a notch. I almost don’t wanna watch it, so I can save them all for a day I wanna be lazy and not move from my bed and eat chinese food and watch a marathon of Catfish. Or when I have my period and I need to cry. Either way, great fun. I loved the movie (yes, I saw it alone). I had to see it because the commercials were bothering me, like wtf is this shit about? I saw it and was great, just sucked what happened. Call me Nev! I’m a real girl. Anyway, when I found out this was gunna be turned into a show, I was hella excited. If this was gunna be anything like the movie, it was gunna be a joyride. It’s really amazing and sad to see what some people do with their time and how they spend their life. I have no clue what these people would be doing if there wasn’t a social network to live out their craziness. And this season looks cray, so I will def def spend my summer lazy days watching that.


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I am sooo excited that it’s back for its 7th season. I really wanna know what the crazy streets of London have in store for us now. I have loved and loved every season so far, but I’m really nervous about this one. You can’t go 6 seasons with me not hating everyone. I know I’ll grow to love the new cast, but what if I don’t? I’m just worried that it’ll finally hit its glass ceiling with me and I hate everybody and I just want the old casts back and I’ll just be stubborn and not watch it. I doubt that’ll happen but I have my anxieties. Let’s hope that when they come back, all my worries will be eased and I can breathe happily. There at least better be some boys on there that I can fancy.

And that’s my summer show extension. Thought you run out of shit to watch? Ya didn’t! I know I haven’t. Watching all these shows is like a full time job I don’t get paid for. Can’t someone make that a job for me? Anyway, hope you guys are getting tan. I’m not.